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  • Botanical - Cucurbita pepo
    Courgette Seeds - Black Beauty Dark Fog
    20 Seeds. Other Names - Zucchini, Summer Squash, Marrow… A vigorous and productive courgette producing an abundance of dark green coloured long courgettes over a long season. The fruits of Black Beauty Dark Fog have... More
    £2.25 £1.12
  • Botanical - Capsicum annuum
    Chilli Seeds - Tobasco
    12 Seeds. Other Names - Chilli Pepper, Capsicum… The Tabasco chilli plant produces an abundance of extremely hot fiery and juicy little chillies which is why it is so popular for making sauces. The chillies grow... More
    £2.31 £1.27
  • Botanical - Daucus carota
    Carrot Seeds - Royal Chantenay
    2000 Seeds. Other Names - Mid Season Carrots… The short stumpy conical roots and broad shoulders of the maincrop carrot Royal Chantenay are perfect for shallow, stony soil or containers. The roots are almost... More
    £1.99 £1.09
  • Botanical - Daucus carota
    Carrot Seeds - Chantenay Red Cored
    2000 Seeds. Other Names - Maincrop Carrot… This is a large stump rooted carrot about 15cm long with a red orange small core. The Chantenay Red Cored carrot is a maincrop variety which matures early and produces a... More
    £1.97 £1.08
  • Botanical - Daucus carota
    Carrot Seeds - Paris Market
    1300 Seeds. Other Names - Early Carrots, Mid Season Carrots… These carrots are small and grow to around 4 - 5cm in diameter and are roundish in shape. The carrot Paris Market is well suited for containers or heavy... More
    £1.96 £0.98
  • Botanical - Beta vulgaris
    Beetroot Seeds - Detroit Globe
    400 Seeds. Other Names - Garden Beet, Globe Beetroot… A firm favourite of many home gardeners. Detroit Globe produces a good sized root and can be stored for several months. It has a smooth skin and deep red flesh... More
    £1.99 £1.09
  • Beetroot Seeds - Cylindra
    Beetroot Seeds - Cylindra
    400 Seeds. Other Names - Garden Beet, Globe Beetroot… This beetroot produces high quality cylindrical roots with a dark crimson flesh. Cylindra beetroot matures later than globe varieties which is ideal for... More
    £2.04 £1.02
  • Botanical - Beta vulgaris
    Beetroot Seeds - Boltardy
    400 Seeds. Other Names - Garden Beet, Storing Beetroot, Globe Beetroot, Early Beetroot… Boltardy is one of the most popular varieties grown by gardeners. It is suitable for early spring sowings as it is resistant to... More
    £1.99 £1.09
  • Botanical - Barbarea verna
    American Cress Seeds
    900 Seeds. Other Names - Land Cress, Upland Cress… This green peppery flavoured leaf is very similar to watercress however it is far less demanding and does not require running water or overly moist soils to thrive... More
    £1.99 £1.09
  • Botanical - Capsicum anuum
    Chilli Seeds - Early Jalapeno
    25 Seeds. Other Names - Chilli Pepper, Chili… Early Jalapeno as the name suggests ripens faster compared to other jalapeno types. This chilli can be used fresh, delicious sliced into rings with nachos or added to... More
    £1.96 £1.08